Cocoa Pods Podcast


Our own very public education podcast.

Talking about Maternity Matters,Women’s Wellness and more…..



Introducing 'Jeun' Food Pantry – Where Nourishment Meets Compassion!

Join us at the Birth Center Foundation in our mission to support families in need, the 'Jeun' Food Pantry. 'Jeun,' meaning 'eat' in Yoruba language, embodies our commitment to providing nutritious sustenance for both expecting mothers and growing families in our community.We offer a variety of fresh produce, pantry staples, and baby essentials, all sourced with care to ensure quality and nutrition.

Together, let's nourish our community, one family at a time. Join us at the Birth Center Foundation's 'Jeun' Food Pantry and be a part of a movement that's making a difference in the lives of families today and for generations to come.

Birthing Classes

Prepare for Parenthood with Confidence!

Join our birthing classes at the Birth Center Foundation for essential education and support as you journey towards childbirth. Led by experienced educators, our classes cover everything from prenatal care to newborn essentials. Connect with other parents-to-be and embrace the journey with confidence.